
An autoregressive way of generating graphs using graph nets (leveraging both the structure & the attributes)


Generating graphs is an important problem, generating graphs with given properties is a hard task.


source: original paper

source: original paper

TLDR: Iteratively generate a graph by adding nodes and edges connecting the newly added node to the rest of the graph. MPNNs do all the heavy machinery.

This is the set of functions we have to use to generate a graph:

Keeping node updaters GRU states, make the model autoregressive both across the propagation steps and different decision steps.

Now, it is interesting how to initialise the features of newly added nodes. The authors use the graph readout as well as node type embedding:

$$ h_v = f_{\text{init}}(R_\text{init}(h_V, G), x_v), $$

where $x_v$ is a node type embedding.

How does the generative model work?
